miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Successfully held our II Congress as PML (RC) / IV Congress as RC

We would like to announce that:

Earlier this month we completed successfully our IV Congress as Reconstrucción Comunista, and our II Congress as Partido Marxista Leninista (Reconstrucción Comunista).

Our Party, PML (RC) has had to face several challenges from its last Congress in 2015.
Firstly, Spanish state’s repression against us through the Operación Valle. This entailed our illegalisation, the closure of our headquarters and the imprisonment of some of our leaders, who were released, but are passing through a long judicial process because their revolutionary spirit and their tough defense of proletarian internationalism.

Moreover, regarding our internal process, we had become a Party less than one year ago when everything happened. This meant that our Central Committee supported by all the militancy, as well as all the militants must prove their discipline and principles, their concrete analysis of the concrete situation and their transformative capacity.

Regardless of repression, our Congress of constitution as a Party must demonstrate which were our personal skills and attitudes as revolutionaries to rebuild the Communist Party in Spain, our country.

Throughout all of this time we have increased the theorical level of our cadres through a successful program of Marxism-Leninism schools, cadres tempered in adverse realities, which has shown their self-sacrifice, discipline and firmness in each situation. Our Party has grown up and extended to many regions where it did not have presence. At the same time, our autodynamism and the correct work of our leaders have let the Party purge the anarchic, opportunist and unstable elements, which survived to our initial ideological and organisational, break with revisionism. Traitors and cowards have not been able to stand in the way of the ideological and action unity of our Party.

Up to the present day, our Party has been able to define successfully its political stake to organise and link itself to the working class. An example of this is the organisation of the social fabric around the working class struggles using common political spaces, our work among the youth to build the Communist Youth of the Party, or wide organisations spread around the State into Universities, high schools and neighbourhoods.

Basically, our Congress reaffirmed the ideological and organisational lines approved in the last one, apart from formalising and boosting the promotion of cadres, which have being formed during the last 2 years.

The II Congress has been a huge success because the involvement of the new delegates, which were better prepared and more actives than the last ones, as in general all the militancy and their work before this Congress. The delegates elected a new and firm Central Committee, which re-elected the Secretary-General, who closed the event with a great speech.

This Congress is a step-forward for the rebuild of the Communist Party, for the seizure of the power by the toiling masses, for building the socialism and move forward to the communism.